Cutting The Diamond Out


Certified Development Coach Group LLC is the nucleus of Amar’s vision. It is a Model Program that helps individuals overcome barriers that limit their potential. Using educational platforms to produce solutions that will help control emotional responses, target areas of economic awareness and enhance empowerment by means of holistic programs, workshops and classes to release the “giant” inside of you.

The CDCG Coaches educate and mentor “the coach within”.

This is the core of excavating the “diamond” so it will come to be valuable. If it continues to be stuck in its original state it will not shine and become lost in the shadows. By undergoing a curriculum to empower and teach from experience and not from theory along (Empirical Evidence Coaching), guarantees amazing results.


Don’t Go Beyond This Point!

UNLESS YOU WANT TO Become empowered and release your dreams on

The Life Path - Living In Future Enthusiasm The Golden Journey


Why we lay it out with Enthusiasm!

CDCG LLC Certified Development Coaching Group LLC

“We combat to end maladaptive and criminal behavior by empowering the mind to control the self.”

We make it happen so you can be empowered!

The CDCG coaches go through intensive training to practice EE Empirical Evidence first-hand experience and Autonomy Self Governing which are two of many courses designed to empower individuals to face head on, their greatest challenge, themselves. Getting pass what the mind perceives to be correct (or necessary) based on life-encounters that have been misaligned due to trauma or damaging conditions.


We Activate the Gift In you for Growth.

We strongly believe in what we do. We all may have lost hope along the way and felt defeated when no one understood the silent frustration that lingered in our soul, especially if you have made life altering mistakes. These challenges may have shifted your mindset into negative thinking. We offer a life Coach Connection that establishes accountability, set up goals and design a program for your personal development. We’re coaching you to become the coach!