Youth T.A.G.S
What exactly are our Youth T.A.G.S? T.A.G.S stands for Talents, Abilities, Gifts, and Skills. This is a 5-week training program to put youth in the position to be able to help their peers and even elders be able to recognize and utilize their T.A.G.S.
Most success in life starts with a simple conversation and is shaped with the correct dialogue. Why is it important? Because economics matter! This is just one of the topics your children will be able to engage in an open dialogue about with you upon completing our program.
Anger Management
Why Anger Management? Once the children are cognizant of their amygdala hijack they will be able to manage their life and emerge as strategic thinkers.
Being cognizant of your own emotional responses to toxic environmental stimuli is a safety net that we all need. That level of awareness is discovered on the “Life Path, Our Golden Journey” at the Certified Development Coaching Group, LLC.
Youth Entrepreneurship C.A.M.P
Youth Entrepreneurship C.A.M.P (Creativity Above Mental Programing) attendees will gain much more insight about business and how to start a business of their dreams one day. This program will motivate and teach them the discipline that is necessary in order to start a business.
The Certified Development Coaching Group, LLC
Creative Thought Process
What is it?
Learn all about the importance of dealing with your creative nature successfully instead of committing actions that set you back further from your goals due to premature attempts at the goal.
It has been said that “action speaks louder than words'', yet we must remain cognizant of the power that words carry so that the correct actions are the actions we choose to take. The most unwise people in the world are often those who are unaware of what it is that they are not aware of. Learn the ingredients within the Success Secrets at the CDCG LLC.
Critical Thinking
Why critical thinking?
Because without it your mind exists with invisible locks on it and those locks can hold you in a stagnated place for a lifetime.
Labor Worth
Youth see deeper into their own innate potential at this point. Discover how potential is used compared to how it is misused. Time waits for no one; therefore, we practice ceasing the moment to observe. Potential is to be utilized for our future development.
“Pay for Their Education Now or Their Lawyers Later”
C.A.M.P serving Ages: 13 through 17
Why My School is Called Life?
We recognized that no degree in school alone could or would bring our education about life to a finish point. Therefore, we vision Life as our school and not just some brick-and-mortar structured building, with the reality we have succeeded against odds. In this workshop, youth will be made aware of the importance of getting up with Life on their mind when they think of school. Vision is a dynamic that matters and also can be easily destroyed. This can result in the manufactured criminal mind due to low-quality information that we will hear and see daily. If we are not aware of this daily reality our youth will be taken away from us right before our eyes.
Why was the C.A.M.P created?
We know a way and we CARE!